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Lago Maggiore - rusty sunset walk
Lago Maggiore in northern italy was one of the most presigous lake regions in central europe.

With long distance tourism steadily growing due to increasing wages and leisure time in conjunction with completition of trans european highways in the 1970ies, upper class tourism started to ignore those once traditional destinations. Destinations like Hawaii or Australia took the relay as figuring out to feel more appealing within modern lifestyle habits. Albeit the Lake Maggiore has definetely not being forgotten, tourism nowadays is focussing on very few hot spots only- mostly in the northern part of the lake, like Locarno with its well known film festival.


Other parts of the lakeside fall into ruin, its infrastructure is partly decomposing itself naturally by the forces of water, but also by the force of ever growing incivilism. This documentation was being created during a walk along the south-west lakeside, from Arona to Meina. Due tue a very dry winter, water level was low enough to walk along usually highly fenced private properties.

The first part of the pictures show the boat trip to the starting point in Arona, the latest pictures were created while waiting in the once generous railway station in Meina. No more trains called at this station at this evening...

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(c) k. hasenjäger

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