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München - Utting 11
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31.8 - 4.9.2011

München - Utting 11 : IMG_2479.JPG

(...nagut das war noch Alpbach. Dia gehört umsortiert....oder auch nicht)

München - Utting 11 : IMG_2641.JPG


München - Utting 11 : IMG_2589.JPG

Recurring colors and their meanings for the artist to describe perception (from right to left):

5.) Green is the color for the basic physical structures and principles like geometry, elements etc...

4.) Blue represents things that those elements form when put together: The earth, houses, mankind, food etc...

3.) Yellow is art that we humans achieve with those things: We can make films, build temples,dance...

2.) Black is how art is transported or transmitted to our minds: images, books, speakers, paintings

1.) Red is what the transported art determines in every single mind: Wisdom, vividness, joy or sadness, ideas etc...


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