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Country: Saudi Arabia
A 450km high speed line is being built through desertic landscapes to link Makkah with Madinah via Jeddah should be in operation from 2016,2017,2018 with 36 Talgo 350 trainsets running at speeds up to 320km/h.

>>  Click here to open Rail Infrastructure Observation Project Map for Saudi Arabia<<.

Green: Railway line in service
Red: Railway line under construction
Pink: Construction abandoned
Yellow outline: Tunnel section
Black: Existing network (as provided by Google, available only in "Relief" mode at close zoom)



2019.04.29 (v.3.0)

* NEW LINE: Karman High Speed Line marked as "in service" (except branch to Jeddah airport).

* Several refinements along other lines


2017.05.05 (v.2.0)

* Initial release


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